Chocolicious2U provides u delicious and fine homemade chocolate. Great as gifts, hantaran, door gifts, corporate gifts, party packs and many other occasions/event designed to suit your idea/theme and budget ;)

Order from Kak Emi from Sabah for her niece's wedding. She ordered 350 boxes of 4cav choc. Grey box + baby pink ribbon with 4pcs white chocolate coloured in pink, with 'S' alphabet on it.
Thanks kak emi..

Another order for birthday gift. Sarah Merican ordered 35 cav choc in box for her husband's birthday. The next day, she wanted to order another one for her anniversary..sory x sempat nak buat coz ade order lain yg perlu disiapkan. Sory ;(

Order from Zahra Ghouse for her friend's birthday.
She ordered 35cav choc in box, all milk choc with various fillings.
Thanks Zahra, hope u like it.

Order from Anies for her engagement hantaran.
35 cav chocs in bookstyle box.
Thanx anies!!

Order from my very own bff, Aishah for someone special..
12cav choc in box+ribbon